A Nike+ Importer for Garmin

September 13, 2010

My little weekend project this weekend was Fatigue, a tiny bit of rubygem that imports your Nike+ run history into Garmin Connect.

Like many others, I presume, I had a few lovely years on Nike+ but recently switched over to a Garmin Forerunner 405CX. It’s like leveling up your running: the GPS mapping with Garmin Connect is a really compelling way to visualize your runs. I didn’t want to leave my hundreds of logged miles behind, though.

Run fatigue and it’ll import your old runs from Nike+. More installation and usage information can be found on GitHub.

On a technical sidenote: I had a fun time using Readme Driven Development and TomDoc on it. I’ve found I really dig using both of those development mentalities; give ‘em a shot and see if they work for you, too.